Elbe (rosa) - The Pink River

2015 11 28
It’s grey again.
I started the year with a pink rainbow and i end the year with a pink river.
Some years ago I did a good mistake in the color lab. The result was the testprint of a pink river.
Now I decided to do a bigger print:
Elbe (rosa) - The Pink River
21x21cm on 24x30cm Paper (8,27 x 8,27 inch)
A Colorprint handmade by me.
Signed and numbered.
Price: 180 Euro / 195 Dollar / 24000 Yen
Edition: 22
You can order by mail
or here: http://anneschwalbe.tictail.com
Portfolio Story and Interview in Union Magazine

2015 10 20
There is an interview and a Portfolio Story with me and my work in the japanese Union Magazine.
Solo Exhibition at Galerie f5,6

2015 09 16
Here are some installation views from my exhibition at Galerie f5,6 in Munich.
The work is on view till October 31. You can see photographs from my new work "Perle" and also some new "Wiese" (meadows...).
Galerie f5,6
Ludwigstrasse 7
80539 München
Maxwell Anderson: Flower

2015 09 07
Maxwell Anderson did a new book. And I have the honour to be in it. Coincidentally the title is „Flower“. http://www.bemojake.eu/Flower_description.html
Jewellery Photos for Achtung Mode Magazine

2015 09 01
Although I don’t wear any jewellery it was fun to photograph some for the current Achtung Mode Magazine.
more photos: http://www.brigitta-horvat.com
Exhibition at Galerie f5,6

2015 08 08
And I am really looking forward to my exhibition at Galerie f5,6. The opening will be September 11.
Galerie f5,6
Ludwigstrasse 7
80539 München
L. Parker Stephenson / New York

2015 06 05
And this will happen soon in New York.
Anne Schwalbe: The Life Within
June 30 - September 12, 2015
L. Parker Stephenson
764 Madison Avenue
New York
Exhibition PERLE in Werben (Elbe)

2015 05 30
During the last years i photographed a lot in Werben (Elbe). That’s why in this exhibition you will see some photos from my first series „Blindschleiche und Riesenblatt“, "Vulkan oder Stein“, „Wiese | Wiese XXI-XLVIII“ and some new of „PERLE“.
The exhibition takes place at Salzkirche - a former church and salt storage - built in the year 1313! Also there are 3 photographs in the city area of Werben (Elbe). Here you can find some pictures from the exhibition Werben (Elbe) in 2004 - i just started studying photography and our class did this project: Ostkreuzschule
Perle is still work in progress. On 11 September 2015, there will be the exhibition opening of PERLE at Galerie f5,6 in Munich.
Exhibition: May 31 - August 30 2015
Monday - Friday 10AM - 4 PM
Salzkirche, 39615 Werben (Elbe)
This project has been made possible with the kind support of the inhabitants of Werben (Elbe) and:
VG BILD-KUNST, Ostkreuzschule Berlin, Kommandeurshaus Werben, Hansestadt Werben (Elbe).
VG Bild-Kunst
Ostkreuzschule Berlin
Kommandeurshaus Werben

2015 05 27
So happy with the poster for PERLE. Can't wait to put in on a tree in the middle of nowhere.
Graphic Design again by Birgit Vogel
In the Lab

2015 05 20
I am preparing big prints for PERLE.

2015 05 11
There will be an exhibition in the middle of nowhere about the middle of nowhere.
Anne Schwalbe: PERLE
Opening: May 30 6PM Salzkirche Werben (Elbe)
Exhibition: May 31 - August 30 2015
Salzkirche, 39615 Werben (Elbe)
This project has been made possible with the kind support of the inhabitants of Werben (Elbe) and:
VG BILD-KUNST, Ostkreuzschule Berlin, Kommandeurshaus Werben, Hansestadt Werben (Elbe).
Galerie f5,6 and "Vulkan oder Stein" at AIPAD in New York

2015 04 16
I am very happy that my Gallery f5,6 is presenting my work "Vulkan oder Stein" at this years AIPAD in New York.
Galerie f5,6 is presenting work of Olaf Otto Becker, John Goto, Carl Strüwe, Brian Ulrich, Gerry Johansson and me at Booth 209.
The AIPAD Photography Show takes place at the Park Avenue Armory, New York, April 16 - 19.
monopol - Kunstinstitutionen in Berlin

2015 03 31
For monopol magazine I took photos of Berlins' Museums and Galleries.
For instance Haus am Waldsee and St. Agnes. Especially the construction site at St. Agnes was really interesting.
More photos here: http://brigitta-horvat.com/artists/anne-schwalbe/
Inge Mahn - Portrait for the upcoming Blau Magazine

2015 03 20
I had the pleasure to meet Inge Mahn in her home and studio in Gross Fredenwalde. A wonderful village in the north of Berlin (Uckermark). I took photos of her and her art for the upcoming Blau Magazine. This photo here is from her "Stallmuseum" - a painting of an unknown painter, brought to the museum by a neighbour. Such a great place!
You should visit.
More photos here: http://brigitta-horvat.com/artists/anne-schwalbe/
Vintage Paper

2015 03 18
Not sure, if you are interested in, but i have a collection of Vintage Paper.
Talk at Burg Giebichenstein

2015 03 11
There was a exhibition about Photobooks at the University Burg Giebichenstein in Halle (Germany).
And on this occasion i talked about my work. Thank you very much for inviting me and for the lovely location plan.
(This stone wall is part of the University area..!)
Wiese | Wiese XXI-XLVIII at Architectural Digest

2015 02 22
My WIESE meadows are featured in the march issue of the german Architectural Digest. Thank you very much!
"Anne Schwalbe hat einen Blick für die Abstraktionen der Natur, für die Geometrien von Gräsern, aber auch für die Grazie einer einzelnen Feldblume. Zwischen Berlin und Tokio hat sie seit 2009 Hunderte Rasenstücke fotografiert und in ihrer Serie „Wiese“ und "Wiese XXI-XLVIII“ editiert. Eine Reise zu den Wundern am Wegrand.“
"..Dann enthüllt sich in der Konzentration auf das, was die Fotografin anzog - der abstrakte Rhythmus von Halmen und Gräsern oder die betörende Anmut eines Unkrauts, an dem jeder andere achtlos vorbeigegangen wäre - die minimalistische Poesie ihrer Fotos. Bilder voller Geheimnis, weil sie keine Hinweise auf die Umgebung, keine narrativen Perspektiven bieten und die deshalb, bei aller Ausschnitthaftigkeit, so grenzenlos sind. dass sie ihre ganz eigene Geschichte im Auge des Betrachters erzählen. (...) Bilder, in die man sich versenken kann, in das Werden und Vergehen, in die Muster von Formen, Farben, Linien und dabei Gedanken aufspüren, die in der Flut des allzu Plakativen längst verschüttet schienen." Simone Herrmann, Architectural Digest

2015 02 14
Exhibition at Kehrer Galerie in Berlin

2015 02 07
Lob der Wildnis | Serial Landscapes
Henning Rogge, Arno Schidlowski, Anne Schwalbe
Opening: Friday, February 6, 6 to 9 pm
Exhibition: February 7 to March 29
Saturday, March 7 at 7 pm
Artist Talk with Ingo Taubhorn, Curator, Deichtorhallen, House of Photography Hamburg.
Followed by a book signing with Ute and Werner Mahler.
The exhibition “Lob der Wildnis” shows photographic series on “Nature as Landscape” from a contemporary perspective, with reference to the literary oeuvre of the American Henry David Thoreau. Henning Rogge and
Arno Schidlowski graduated from HAW, University of Applied Sciences Hamburg under Ute Mahler. Anne Schwalbe studied at the Ostkreuz School in Berlin under Ute and Werner Mahler, and under Arno Fischer.
Regenbogen (rosa)

2015 01 22
Because it’s so grey right now i do the
"Regenbogen (rosa) - The Pink Rainbow OR Spring-will-come-soon-Special-Edition"
Edition: 22
Size: 21x21cm (24x30cm) / 8,27 x 8,27 inch
Price: 180 Euro
Analogue C-Print made by me. Signed and numbered on the back.
Order by mail, pay with Paypal or Bank Transfer, Shipping worldwide.

2015 01 10
I am working on a new series. The title is PERLE. It is about a place in the middle of nowhere.
I received a VG Bildkunst grant for this project and i took already many photos.
Now i am doing the selection in the colorlab. And with friends.
2015 01 01thank you 2014. hello 2015.