Large Prints - In the Colour Lab

2020 12 18
In the colourlab - making large prints from 6x6cm medium format neagtives.
Die Gärten der Anderen im ZeitMagazin - Berberitze

2020 12 04
Garden Column Nr.38 at ZEITmagazin is about Berberis/Berberitze, growing on a farm in the beautiful Altmark area besides hundreds or thousands of rose hips.
Die Gärten der Anderen im ZeitMagazin - A lemon plant in Germany

2020 11 26
Garden Column Nr.37 at ZEITmagazin is about a 30 year old lemon plant - growing in South Germany!
BAUM 1621-5, BAUM 1621-6 in my onlineshop

2020 11 12
BAUM 1621-5 and BAUM 1621-6 are now available as signed Edition in my onlineshop. I think they are good together. These Prints are made by me in a colourlab from 6x6cm negatives.
Interview with

2020 10 05
Thank you very much for asking some question about my work and life!
Die Gärten der Anderen im ZeitMagazin - Samenfester Rosenkohl

2020 10 01
Garden Column Nr.36 at ZeitMagazin is about open pollinated seeds in general and about brussel sprout. The gardener Mirjem only buys open polinated seeds. (Me too.)
visit my tent

2020 09 18
Stephanie Neumann took some portraits of me for her project
Also every artist has to answer some questions:
Why I didn’t get a proper job:
That is a question I also ask myself sometimes. Especially when I have to pay invoices for my house reconstruction. But in general I am happy with what I am doing. Also I needed quite some time to find out what I want or to be brave enough to do what I am really interested in. I started studying photography when I was 30, before that I studied German Language and Cultural Studies and worked part-time as a florist for some years. I think I also did not get a proper job because I get frustrated and angry or unsatisfied when I do things I am not interested in. I was searching for some years. And a “proper job” was not the result of that search. An artwork I dream of and I would get accomplished if space, time and money were abundant:
I’m thinking of simple pieces – for instance a stoneware jug or bowl. A piece of wood. A piece of great rough linen fabric.
Artists, I have on my watch list (and why):
I find it more interesting to see the things made by different crafts persons. Recently I’ve read that in Japanese culture never has been a clear distinction between art and craft or design. A thought I find very interesting. When I see the work of a potter or a weaver I am often more touched than by a piece of art. What is art?
How I want to be buried resp. words I want to be written on my tombstone:
I do not think about my tombstone yet. But I try to live the way that I do not regret. I think you more regret things you have not done or even tried than the things that you tried but which did not work out so well. Also I think I was very much influenced as a teenager by the movie “Dead Poets Society”. Especially from the quote of Henry David Thoreau in Walden: “I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.”
Elbe (rosa) - The Pink River at I Never Read Basel

2020 09 17
Unfortunately I again cannot be at I Never Read this year. But my Elbe (rosa) - The Pink River is part of the Poster Exhibition there. Great that my work can travel.
rbb tv

2020 09 16
rbb tv came by for a visit. more on rbb tv in december 2020.
My Onlineshop and the reconstruction of my house

2020 07 01
To support the reconstruction of the timber frame gable of my house, there is now a selection of my work available at reduced prices. Meanwhile this house is like my creative headquarter. I take photos in this area (since 2003), I have so many ideas here, I plan to live and work here some day, maybe organizing workshops here or diners with wild edible plants and so on. Before this can happen, the gable and the basement need to be reconstructed. So this is a kind of crowdfunding. The reduced prices are valid till the timber frame gable will be rebuilt in a few days.
Edible Wild Plants at ZeitMagazin

2020 06 25
There is a Garden Column Special at ZeitMagazin - it's about Wild Edible Plants! My favourite is stinging nettle. And there are so many more!

2020 06 24
There is a selection of my Japan Series at the japanese magazine 198201111959
JAPAN update

2020 02 26
Finally I updated my website with some new work.
Die Gärten der Anderen im ZeitMagazin - Die Mistel

2020 01 23
Garden Column Nr.33 at ZeitMagazin is about mistletoes. The gardener Christine Schulz has a lot in her garden and we talked about this special plant.
About Sewing and Clothing

2020 01 10
Beside Photography I have (too) many other interests. One is sewing clothing. This is The Coat.
And I have also sewn one more Sweater with great fabric from an island in northern Germany. The company Nordwolle takes care of sheep and shepherds. And wool.
Die Gärten der Anderen im ZeitMagazin - Die Hagebutte

2020 01 01
How wonderful to start the new year with a new garden column at ZeitMagazin. This time it's about rose hips.